Residents - Storm Preparedness
Hurricane Preparedness
The Harbor Pointe Board of Directors and its Hurricane Preparedness
Committee have provided the following guidelines to assist you in preparing for
the annual storm and hurricane season.
In the event of a hurricane, it may not be possible to contact Harbor
Pointe by telephone to obtain a property damage update. However, special
notices will be posted on the front page of the Association website at This will describe the status of the storm and contain
pertinent notes on general damage.
Staff will not be available to answer specific questions or carry out
tasks for individual condominium units, so it is important that you properly
secure your unit for storm events prior to leaving for the season. The
following information is not meant to be a complete storm/hurricane
preparedness guide for you; it only relates to certain issues at our
You can obtain booklets on how to prepare for hurricanes from, among
other places, CVS Pharmacies and the Publix grocery store.
The following links may also be helpful:
National Hurricane
Center – NHC.NOAA.Gov
Disaster – Florida Division of Emergency Management – FloridaDisaster.Org
Brevard County Emergency Management –
The City of
Titusville; Departments; Emergency Management –
Hurricanes; Action Plans –
Weather Channel; Tropical
Storms and Hurricanes –
Department of Commerce –
FEMA, Federal
Emergency Management Agency –
American Red Cross –
Annual Preparedness Review
To be performed by the Property Manager and Board of Directors (as noted):
- Ensure that clear and concise instructions
are posted near the Emergency Generator control panel, on how to reset or
otherwise control the Emergency Generator system (PM). - Up-date, and keep current, the Storm Preparedness
Information on the condominium website (BOD). - Conduct training orientation for all new
Directors and other involved persons as to all emergency procedures,
including operation of the Emergency Generator, water shut-off
valves, fire alarm systems, fire sprinkler system, pool pumps, and main
electrical system controls and switches (PM). - Develop and maintain check lists for
securing the complex from potential flying debris, shutting down the pool
systems, and securing all facilities (PM). - Review the Harbor Pointe Hurricane/Storm
Preparedness Plan of Action annually for appropriate revisions (BOD &
PM). - Establish a master contact list of board
members, management personnel, and service vendors that can be used for
storm preparation and mitigation. This list should be concise with name of
vendor contacts and phone numbers (PM).
Closing Your Unit for the Summer & Storm Preparation In Your Absence
Each summer,
there are many intense storms which threaten Titusville. Often, there is only a
small window of time during which our Property Manager and the Board of
Directors members in-residence have the opportunity to prepare common areas and
their own property for a storm and to evacuate, if necessary. It is important
that those of you who plan to be away for the summer, complete items 1 thru 4
below before your departure.
- Remove all furniture and objects from
exposed balconies that do not have a storm shutter.
- Close your hurricane shutters making sure
they are all the way down into their locking condition to achieve the
maximum strength of the shutter.
- Turn off main hot and cold-water valves to
your unit.
- Arrange for a caretaker (a neighbor,
friend, family member, or maintenance service) to have access to and
regularly inspect your condominium, especially following the occurrence of
a major storm or hurricane.
In addition to
items 1 thru 4, the Board of Directors highly recommends residents also
complete items 5 thru 17 before they leave their condominium for the summer.
- Provide the Administration Office with
contact information including telephone numbers, e-mail address, cell
phone numbers, and location. Note: That twenty-four hours prior to any
major tropical storm or hurricane, the office telephone will be left to
receive messages only and will not be answered prior to or immediately
following the event.
- Vehicles left in the parking lot should be
parked in the south visitor’s lot away from the front of buildings
allowing the convenient spaces to be use by year-round residents.
- Make sure that the Property Manager has
keys to your front door (and screen door).
- Wedge towels in the tracks of your
(exposed) sliding glass windows/doors. This will minimize wind-driven
water coming in under the door.
- Use “Bactivate” solution in all drains; 8
ounces per drain and then 8 ounces of hot water. Do not use the sink after
- Cover all toilets with plastic wrap to
contain sewer gases.
- Remove all
perishable foods from your refrigerator and freezer and turn off
ice-maker. Throw these food items away! You’ll be glad you did if the
electricity is off for any significant period of time.
- Verify that your Homeowners’ insurance
policy provides the coverage you need.
- Make a fresh back-up of important personal
data in your computer.
- Unplug, or turn off at the breaker, your
computer(s), TVs and other electrical appliances before you leave. This
type of equipment can be permanently damaged by unstable voltage.
- Have your air conditioner inspected and
make sure that the drain line is cleaned out with bleach and that the
filters are changed. Leave the A/C set at less than 80 degrees.
- Owners should video/photograph units prior
to leaving for use in case of damage. Also take a copy of your insurance
policies with you.
- Lock all doors and windows.
- The Board will post updates to the homepage to keep residents and non-resident owners
informed about damage to the complex and will send out e-mail updates.
These updates may be somewhat delayed, however, due to numerous tasks required
to secure the condominium common elements.
Storm Preparation Advice
For Year Round & Summer Residents
The following information is provided to aid in your
planning and preparation prior to a storm/hurricane event:
Alarm System – The Condominium Building Fire Alarm system
is powered by the emergency generator and designed to automatically connect
through the telephone system for 8 hours after power is out in case of a fire. Residents
must report any and all fires to 911 regardless of loss of power.
Use of a personal gas or diesel generator, gas appliance
or propane tank grill is prohibited in
all condominium units, balcony or walkway areas. To ensure the safety of all
residents, Management will report their existence on property to the
Titusville Police Department immediately upon discovery. Do not bring them onto
Harbor Pointe property. The use of a
personal electric or solar powered battery backup is allowed provided it is
used within the unit or on the personal balcony, and does not disturb other
residents. Solar panels may not be
attached to walls or handrails.
Each resident should have a battery backup to operate
their storm shutters. Residents should
test these units regularly. Replacement
batteries may be available through the Maintenance Office for fee.
The elevators will be brought to the fifth floor and shut
down when mandatory evacuation orders are in effect for our area.
Hurricane Preparation Information
Main garage doors will be locked down when winds hit
50MPH. Note the time could be sooner if the storm will hit over night.
Power to the Marina will be turned at least 1 day prior
to the storm’s projected arrival.
Storm shutters should be closed. Shutters left open not
only pose a risk for damage to your unit but can cause damage to units next to
you and under you. If left open, the hurricane committee/maintenance staff has
the authority to enter the unit and close them.
Remove items from the front catwalks.
Remove items from the side balconies (end units).
Check your portable shutter supply to make sure it has
enough battery power to open your shutters after the storm.
No generators are allowed. This is a Florida building
code restriction.
If you are staying at Harbor Pointe for the hurricane,
please fill out the sign-up sheets in the 1st floor lobbies so we can check on
you after the storm. Note, this is a courtesy, not a Board responsibility.
Use the buddy system to check on each other.
If you have an emergency during the storm, call 911 but
be aware that they may not be able to respond to calls when weather conditions
are bad. Make sure you have a neighbor you can call in a time of need.
Useful Tips
Cool your condo down as cold as you can stand prior to
the storm hitting. Your unit will hold some of the cool air in and make it more
comfortable longer.
Keep cell phones and other rechargeable batteries plugged
in so they are at full charge if we lose power.
If we lose power, turn your cell phone WIFI off, this
will conserve your battery life.
If there is more than 1 cell phone in your unit, take
turns powering off your phones.
Buy external power supplies.
Reminder: There is not enough water pressure to get water
above the 5th floor. If we lose power, floors 6 – 12 will not have water. Fill tubs, buckets, pitchers with water to
fill toilet tanks so you can flush the toilet.
Fill any empty space in your freezer with zip lock bags
of ice. Frozen water bottles are a great option too. This will help keep frozen
foods cold longer during a power outage.
Portable shutter supplies should be plugged in at all
times to make sure they have enough charge to power the shutters.
Portable shutter supplies can also be used to charge your
cell phone.
Have plenty of drinking water on hand. FEMA recommend
storing at least one gallon of water per person per day for at least three
days for hydration and sanitation.
Have flashlights and battery operated lanterns with fresh
batteries close by.
Minimize use of elevators during a power outage to extend
generator run-time.
Make sure car is full of gas.
Make sure prescriptions are filled.
Have a “go bag” packed in case of last minute
Have an emergency radio on hand.
Make provisions for pets.
Keep a physical key to get into the building if power is
Federal Agencies
FEMA Registration 1-800-621-3362;
FEMA Fraud Detection 1-800-323-8603;
National Flood Insurance 1-888-379-9531;
US Small Business Administration
Social Security Administration
Internal Revenue Service 1-800-829-1040;
Housing & Urban Development
Department of Veterans Affairs 1-800-827-1000;
State Agencies
Florida Emergency Information 1-800-342-3557;
Department of Financial Services
Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity – Reemployment
Assistance Program (formerly Unemployment Compensation Program) 1-800-204-2418;
Florida Office of the Attorney General, Price Gouging
Harbor Pointe Hurricane/Storm Preparation Plan
Your Board has put together a plan that will assist in
providing for the safety and well- being of our residents and condominium
complex during local hurricanes and major storm events.
Major storm
preparation support is provided by three main activity groups:
Group 1 – Property Manager, Staff and Harbor Pointe
Board of Directors
Group 2 – Resident Coordinators
(Hurricane Preparedness Committee members)
Group 3 – Harbor Master
The activities of these groups are divided into three
A. Pre-Storm Event (48 hours prior)
Group 1 – Secure condominium common element
infrastructure as noted in activities list.
Group 2 – Facilitate closure of all balcony shutters and
ensure that the building walkways are clear as noted in the activities list.
Group 3 – Make sure all boats are removed
from the Marina within the first 24 hours of the issuance of the 48-hour
Pre-Storm Event Notice. Confirm the shut off all Marina power and water
utilities with Harbor Pointe Maintenance Staff.
B. During Storm Event
Group 1 – Board of Directors stay current on storm events
affecting the condominium complex and take action as appropriate.
Group 2 – Report significant building/area events to
appointed Board member coordinator via radio phone/cell phone.
C. Post- Storm Event
Group 1 – Restore condominium complex to normal operation
and provide for repairs, as required, as noted in the activities list.
Group 2 – Report general condition of building and
immediate area to designated Director and/or Property Manager and provide other
assistance to Board as required.
Group 3 – Assist Harbor Pointe Maintenance
Staff in the safety inspection of the Marina required before restoring power
and water utilities.
Activities and Precautions
Performed By Property Manager and Staff:
- Contact trash collection provider for
additional pickup of dumpsters, as appropriate, prior to storm.
- Secure outside furniture, plants, hoses,
and other loose material or equipment inside the Club House or in one of
the other buildings.
- Make sure roof-top doors are secured.
Secure sprinkler access panel doors on all buildings, as required.
- Secure Clubhouse from potential wind and
water damage:
a) Inspect all
windows and seal edges that may be vulnerable to water leaks.
Secure resident buildings to include installation of vent
shutters (as available) and removal of outside ashtrays/waste containers.
c) Secure all
trash room doors
- Secure Pool area:
a) Secure all pool
b) Put all pool
area furniture in the Club House or other facilities.
- Secure fence “walkthrough” man gates to
prevent damage from wind.
- Remove Main Entry Gate and North Exit Gate Arms to
prevent wind damage and to ensure vehicle entry and exit traffic during
power loss.
- Ensure the list of Contractors and other
service people who might be needed after or during the storm is
- Ensure that any available information on
Owners who are away is provided to the Hurricane Preparedness Committee
Chairman for their use.
- If the County orders a mandatory evacuation
for our area: Bring all elevator cabs up to the 5th. floor of each
building and shut them down for the duration of the storm (PM or BOD, as
- Shut off all power and
water utilities feeding the Marina 24-hours after the Harbor Pointe
Property Manager issues the 48-hour Pre-Storm Event Notice
Boat Slip Owner Responsibility
- Understand
during hurricane season especially, it is the slip owner’s responsibility
to maintain pre-arrangements of prompt removal of their boat from the
Marina on short notice.
- Boat
owners will have 24-hours to remove their vessel upon first receiving the
48-hour Pre-Storm Event Notice from the Harbor Pointe Property Manager.
- Power
and water utilities will be shut off to the Marina at the end of this
24-hour period and your electric lift will no longer work.
- Keep
in mind that your boat cannot be temporarily stored anywhere on property
after receipt of this notice.
Post Hurricane/Storm Association Activities
Performed By The Property Manager, Staff or Board of Directors (Where Noted):
Thorough inspection of the Association common property
when safe to do so.
Take photographs to document damage to Association
Prepare a prioritized list of corrective action required
with emphasis on the safety of our residents and contract personnel.
Bring elevators back in service if not operating.
Reset all timers for lights and lawn sprinklers.
Put the pool back in operating condition.
Notify our insurance company of damages occurred covered
by their policy and follow their recommended procedures.
Determine and implement a mutually agreed upon
“recovery” action plan, coordinate available funding, and assign
individual responsibilities.
Obtain Board of Directors to implement corrective actions
by a special vote.
10. Contact our
proven contractors and vendors for repairs.
11. Determine the
cost associated with storm damage mitigation and its effect on our yearly and
future budget.
12. Coordinate with
the Harbor Pointe attorney, as appropriate, on actions that are being taken and
inquire if actions are recommended.
13. Review the
“Storm Plan” to see if additions or changes are needed as a result of the most
recent storm (BOD and PM).
14. Ensure that the homepage is updated with instructions and pertinent
information for owners (BOD).
15. When it is determined to be
safe, restore all power and water utilities feeding the Marina.